Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
Vol. 14, 2004, 17–24
© A.M. Bikchentaev
A.M. Bikchentaev
(submitted by D. Mushtari)
2000 Mathematical Subject Classification. 46L51, 46L53, 46E30, 46H05.
Key words and
phrases. Hilbert space, von Neumann algebra, noncommutative integration,
measurable operator, semifinite trace, convergence with respect to measure,
compact operator, topological algebra.
Partially supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant
01-01-00129) and the scientific program ”Universities of Russia – Basic
Research” (Grant UR. 04.01.061) .
be a semifinite von Neumann algebra in a Hilbert space
H and
τ be a normal faithful
semifinite trace on M.
Let Mpr denote the set
of all projections in M,
e denote the
unit of M, and
∥ ⋅ ∥ denote the
C∗ -norm
on M.
The set of all τ-measurable
operators M˜
with sum and product defined as the respective closures of the usual sum and
product, is a *-algebra. The sets
U(ɛ,δ) = {x ∈M˜ : ∥xp∥≤ ɛandτ(e − p) ≤ δforsomep ∈Mpr},ɛ > 0,δ > 0,
form a base at 0 for a
metrizable vector topology tτ
on M˜,
called the measure topology. Equipped with this topology,
M ˜
is a complete topological *-algebra. We will write
xi τ → x in case a net
{xi }i∈I ⊂M˜ converges to
x ∈M˜ for the measure
topology on M˜. By
definition, a net {xi}i∈I ⊂M˜
converges τ-locally
to x ∈M˜
(notation: xi τl → x)
if xip τ → xp for
all p ∈Mpr,
τ(p) < ∞; and a net
{xi }i∈I ⊂M˜ converges
weak τ-locally
to x ∈M˜
(notation: xi wτl → x)
if pxip τ → pxp for
all p ∈Mpr,
τ(p) < ∞.
Theorem 1. Let xi,x ∈M˜.
1. If xi τl → x,
then xiy τl → xy and
yxi τl → yx for every
fixed y ∈M˜.
2. If xi wτl → x,
then xiy wτl → xy and
yxi wτl → yx for every
fixed y ∈M˜.
Theorem 2. If {xi}i∈I ⊂M˜ is
bounded in measure and if xi τl → x ∈M˜,
then xiy τ → xy for all
y ∈M˜.
Theorem 3. Let x,y,xi,yi ∈M˜
and let a set {xi}i∈I be
bounded in measure. If xi τl → x
and yi τl → y,
then xiyi τl → xy.
If M is abelian,
then the weak τ-local
and τ-local
convergencies on M˜
coincides with the familiar convergence locally in measure. If
τ(e) = ∞, then
the boundedness condition cannot be omitted in Theorem 2.
If M is
B(H) with standard
trace, then Theorem 2 for sequences is a ”Basic lemma”of the theory of projection methods:
If y is compact
and xn → x strongly,
then xny → xy
uniformly, i.e. ∥xny − xy∥→ 0
asn →∞.
Theorem 3 means that the mapping
(x,y)↦xy : (B(H)1 ×B(H) →B(H))
is strong-operator continuous (B(H)1
denotes the unit ball of B(H)).
The author is greatly indebted to O.E.Tikhonov for drawing author’s attention to the problem
of the τ-local
continuity of operator functions.
1. Introduction
Let M
be a semifinite von Neumann algebra of operators in a Hilbert space
H and
be a distinguished normal faithful semifinite trace on
M. Let
Mpr denote the lattice
of all projections in M,
e denote the identity,
and M1 denote the
unit ball of M
in the C∗-norm
∥ ⋅ ∥ on
M. The closed, densely
defined linear operator x
in H with domain
D(x) is said to be
affiliated with M if
and only if u∗xu = x for all
unitary operators u
in the commutant M′
of M. If
x is affiliated
with M then
x is said to be
τ-measurable if and
only if, for every ɛ > 0 there
exists a projection p ∈Mpr
for which p(H) ⊆D(x) and
τ(e − p) < ɛ. We denote
by M˜ the set of
all τ-measurable
operators. With sum and product defined as the respective closures of the usual sum
and product, M˜
is a *-algebra. The sets
U(ɛ,δ) = {x ∈M˜ : ∥xp∥≤ ɛandτ(e − p) ≤ δforsomep ∈Mpr},
where ɛ > 0,
δ > 0, form a base at
0 for a metrizable
vector topology tτ
on M˜,
called the measure topology ([8]; [11, p. 18]). Equipped with this topology,
is a complete topological *-algebra in which
M is dense. We will
write xi τ → x in case a
net {xi}i∈I ⊂M˜ converges to
x ∈M˜ for the measure
topology on M˜.
A subset X
of M˜ is bounded
in measure, if it is bounded with respect to this topology on the vector space of
M˜, that is in case for
every neighborhood U
of 0 there is
an α > 0 such
that αX ⊂ U
[8, p. 106].
If M
is B(H),
the von Neumann algebra of all bounded linear operators in
is equipped with the usual standard trace, then
M˜ coincides
with M
and in this case the measure topology coincides with the
∥ ⋅ ∥-topology. If
M is abelian,
then M may be
identified with L∞(Ω,μ)
and τ(f) = ∫
Ωfdμ where
(Ω,μ) is a localizable measure
space. In this case, M˜
is the space S0(Ω)
consisting of those measurable complex-valued functions on
Ω which
are bounded except on a set of finite measure and the measure topology on
may be identified simply with the familiar topology of convergence in
If x is any self-adjoint
operator in H
and if
x = ∫
is its spectral representation, we will write
χT (x) for the spectral projection
of x corresponding to
the Borel subset T ⊂ ℝ.
In particular eλx = χ
If x
is closed, densely defined linear operator affiliated with
M and
∣x∣ = x∗ x, then the spectral
resolution χ∙(∣x∣) is
contained in M
and x ∈M˜ if and only
if there exists λ ∈ ℝ
such that τ(χ(λ,∞)(∣x∣)) < ∞.
For p,q ∈Mpr we write
p ∼ q (the Murray - von
Neumann equivalence), if u∗u = p
and uu∗ = q for
some u ∈M.
A linear set D
in H is said to be
associated with M
if u(D) ⊂D for every
unitary operator u
in M′. If
D is a closed linear manifold
then D is associated
with M if and only if
the projection onto D
lies in M [9, p. 403].
For every x ∈M˜
the projection onto the closure of the range of
x lies
in M. It
is equal to the left support projection
sl(x) = ∧{q ∈Mpr : qx = x}
and sl(x) ∼ sl(x∗).
The two-sided ideal of τ-compact
M˜0 = {x ∈M˜ : τ(χ(λ,∞)(∣x∣)) < ∞forallλ > 0}
is closed in measure topology [12]. If
M is
B(H) with standard
trace, then M˜0
is precisely the ideal of compact operators. Let
M0pr = M˜
0 ⋂
Mpr = {p ∈Mpr : τ(p) < ∞}.
Definition 1 (cf. [3, p. 114]). A net
{xi }i∈I ⊂M˜ is said to
converge τ-locally
to x ∈M˜
(notation: xi τl → x)
if xip τ → xp for
all p ∈M0pr.
Definition 2 (cf. [3, p. 114]; [5, p. 746]). A net
{xi }i∈I ⊂M˜ is said to converge
weak τ-locally
to x ∈M˜
(notation: xi wτl → x)
if pxip τ → pxp for
all p ∈M0pr.
It is clear that
xi τ → x⇒xi τl → x⇒xi wτl → xforxi,x ∈M˜.
If M is
B(H) with standard trace,
then τ-local (respectively,
weak τ-local)
convergence coincides with strong-operator (respectively, weak-operator) convergence.
If τ(e) < ∞,
then M˜
consists of all densely defined closed linear operators affiliated with
M and weak
convergence is precisely the convergence in measure topology on
Moreover, the measure topology is a minimal one in the class of all topologies
which are Hausdorff, metrizable, and compatible with the ring structure of
M˜ [1,
Theorem 2].
2. Main Results
Further we assume that τ(e) = ∞.
Theorem 1. Let xi,x ∈M˜.
1. If xi τl → x,
then xiy τl → xy and
yxi τl → yx for every
fixed y ∈M˜.
2. If xi wτl → x,
then xiy wτl → xy and
yxi wτl → yx for every
fixed y ∈M˜.
Proof. Let xi,x,y ∈M˜
and let p ∈M0pr.
Since sl(yp) ∼ sl(py∗) ≤ p,
one has sl(yp) ∈M0pr.
1. Suppose that xi τl → x.
One has
yxi τl → yxandxiyp = xisl(yp)yp τ → xsl(yp)yp = xyp,
since the multiplication operations z↦yz(M˜→M˜)
and z↦zyp(M˜→M˜)
are continuous in the measure topology.
2. One has r = p ∨ q ∈M0pr
for p,q ∈M0pr, since
p ∨ q − p ∼ q − p ∧ q [8, p. 105]. By
[3, p. 114] xi wτl → x if
and only if pxiq τ → pxq
for all p,q ∈M0pr.
Indeed, from rxir τ → rxr
it follows that
pxiq = p ⋅ rxir ⋅ q τ → p ⋅ rxr ⋅ q = pxq.
pxiyp = pxisl(yp)yp τ → pxsl(yp)yp = pxyp.
Now the convergence yxi wτl → yx
follows from the fact that the mapping
z↦z∗ (M˜→M˜) is weak
continuous and by taking adjoints.
Theorem 2. If {xi}i∈I ⊂M˜ is
bounded in measure and if xi τl → x ∈M˜,
then xiy τ → xy for
all y ∈M˜0.
Proof. Step 1. Without loss of generality we may assume that
y ∈M˜0 is self-adjoint and
non-negative. Indeed, let y ∈M˜0
and y∗ = u∣y∗∣ be the polar
decomposition of y∗.
Then y = ∣y∗∣u∗ and
from xi∣y∗∣τ → x∣y∗∣ it follows
that xiy τ → xy, since the
multiplication operation z↦zu∗(M˜→M˜)
is continuous in the measure topology.
Step 2. Fix non-negative y ∈M˜0
and ɛ,δ > 0. A
subset X
of M˜
is bounded in measure if and only if for every
d > 0 there exists
a constant c < ∞
such that X ⊂ U(c,d) [8,
p. 106]. Let n ∈ ℕ
y1,n = ∫
2,n = ∫
3,n = ∫
Then y = y1,n + y2,n + y3,n
and for zi = xi − x
one has
xiy − xy = ziy1,n + ziy2,n + ziy3,n,i ∈ I. (1)
The set {zi}i∈I
is bounded in measure. There exists a constant
c > 0 such
{zi}i∈I ⊂ U(c,δ). (2)
n1 = min{k ∈ ℕ : 2ɛk ≥ c}.
Since ∥y1,n∥ < n−1,
one has y1,n τ → 0
as n →∞.
τ(sl(y3,n)) = τ(χ[n,∞)(y)) → 0asn →∞,
one has y3,n τ → 0
as n →∞.
Therefore y1,n + y3,n τ → 0
as n →∞. Then
there exists m ∈ ℕ
such that
y1,n + y3,n ⊂ U(n1−1,δ)foralln ≥ m. (3)
Recall that
U(ɛ1,δ1)U(ɛ2,δ2) ⊂ U(ɛ1ɛ2,δ1 + δ2)forallɛ1,δ1,ɛ2,δ2 > 0 (4)
by [8, p. 107], [11, p. 18]. Now by (2)
and (3)
one has
ziy1,n + ziy3,n ∈ U(2ɛ, 2δ)foralli ∈ I,n ≥ m. (5)
Step 3. Let m
be as above, λk > 0
and pk ∈M0pr
(k = 1,…,j),
pk pl = 0 for
k≠l, such
y2,m2 = ∫
λy ≤∑
(one can choose pk as
spectral projections of y).
There exists z ∈M1
such that
y2,m = (∑
kpk) ⋅ z
[4, Chap. 1, Sect. 1, Lemma 2]. Since
zi τl → 0, one has
zi pk τ → 0 for
all k = 1,…,j.
ziy2,m = ∑
kzipkz τ → 0,
because the multiplication operation
is continuous in the measure topology. Therefore, there exists
i0 ∈ I such
ziy2,m ∈ U(ɛ,δ)foralli ∈ I,i ≥ i0. (6)
Step 4. Recall that
U(ɛ1,δ1) + U(ɛ2,δ2) ⊂ U(ɛ1 + ɛ2,δ1 + δ2)forallɛ1,δ1,ɛ2,δ2 > 0 (7)
by [8, p. 107], [11, p. 18]. The assertion of Theorem 2 follows from
(5) and
xiy − xy ∈ U(3ɛ, 3δ)foralli ∈ I,i ≥ i0.
Theorem 3. Let x,y,xi,yi ∈M˜
and let a set {xi}i∈I be
bounded in measure. If xi τl → x
and yi τl → y,
then xiyi τl → xy.
Proof. For every p ∈M0pr
one has
xiyip − xyp = xi(yip − yp) + (xi − x)yp,i ∈ I. (8)
Fix ɛ,δ > 0.
By assumption of the theorem, there exists a constant
c > 0 such
{xi}i∈I ⊂ U(c,δ). (9)
Since yip − yp τ → 0,
there exists i1 ∈ I
such that
yip − yp ∈ U(2ɛc−1,δ)foralli ∈ I,i ≥ i
1. (10)
Now by (9),
(10) and
(4) one
xi(yip − yp) ∈ U(2ɛ, 2δ)foralli ∈ I,i ≥ i1. (11)
Since xi − x τl → 0 and
yp ∈M˜0 , it follows by Theorem
2 that there exists i2 ∈ I
such that
(xi − x)yp ∈ U(ɛ,δ)foralli ∈ I,i ≥ i2. (12)
There exists i0 ∈ I
such that i0 ≥ i1
and i0 ≥ i2.
Now by (8),
(12) and
(7) one
xiyip − xyp ∈ U(3ɛ, 3δ)foralli ∈ I,i ≥ i0.
This proves the theorem.
Example 1. If M is abelian,
then the weak τ-local
and τ-local
convergencies on M˜
coincides with the familiar convergence locally in measure (i.e., in other words,
convergence in measure on every set of finite measure). The boundedness condition
for {xi}i∈I
cannot be omitted in Theorem 2. Indeed, let
Ω = (0,∞) equipped with the
Lebesgue measure μ.
Define the functions
y(t) = min{1,t−1}; x
n(t) = tχ[n,2n](t)(t ∈ (0,∞),n ∈ ℕ).
i) xn τl → 0
as n →∞;
ii) {xn}n=1∞
is not bounded in measure;
iii) y ∈M˜0 ⋂
iv) since (xny)(t) = χ[n,2n](t)
for every t ∈ (0,∞),n ∈ ℕ,
xn y does
not converge in measure topology.
Example 2. If M
is B(H)
with standard trace, then Theorem 2 for sequences is a ”Basic lemma”of
the projection methods [2, pp. 18–19] (the boundedness condition for
follows from the principle of uniform boundedness):
If y is
compact and xn → x
strongly, then xny → xy
uniformly, i.e. ∥xny − xy∥→ 0
asn →∞.
Theorem 3 means that the mapping
(x,y)↦xy : (B(H)1 ×B(H) →B(H))
is strong-operator continuous [7, pp. 115–117].
Remark. The second part of Theorem 1 was already used in [6] and
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E-mail address: Airat.Bikchentaev@ksu.ru
Received January 8, 2004