Journal of Lie Theory Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 261–267 (2005) |
Discrete Series Representations of Unipotent $p$-adic GroupsJeffrey D. Adler and Alan RocheJeffrey D. AdlerDepartment of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics The University of Akron Akron, OH 44325-4002 e-mail address, and Alan Roche Department of Mathematics University of Oklahoma Norman, OK 73019-0315 Abstract: For a certain class of locally profinite groups, we show that an irreducible smooth discrete series representation is necessarily supercuspidal and, more strongly, can be obtained by induction from a linear character of a suitable open and compact modulo center subgroup. If $F$ is a non-Archimedean local field, then our class of groups includes the groups of $F$-points of unipotent algebraic groups defined over $F$. We therefore recover earlier results of van Dijk and Corwin. Keywords: $p$-adic group, locally profinite group, nilpotent group, discrete series, supercuspidal representation Classification (MSC2000): 22E50, 20G05, 22E27 Full text of the article: (for faster download, first choose a mirror)
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