Largest Values of the Stern Sequence, Alternating Binary Expansions and Continuants
Roland Paulin
Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik
Vivatsgasse 7
D-53111, Bonn
We study the largest values of the rth row of Stern's diatomic array. In
particular, we prove some conjectures of Lansing. Our main tool is the
connection between the Stern sequence, alternating binary expansions,
and continuants. This allows us to reduce the problem of ordering the
elements of the Stern sequence to the problem of ordering continuants.
We describe an operation that increases the value of a continuant,
allowing us to reduce the problem of largest continuants to ordering
continuants of very special shape. Finally, we order these special
continuants using some identities and inequalities involving Fibonacci
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(Concerned with sequence
Received September 13 2016; revised version received November 15 2016.
Published in Journal of Integer Sequences, December 27 2016.
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