Dép. de Mathématiques Faculté des Sciences Université de Pau 64000 Pau France
Faculté de Mathématiques Université "Al. I. Cuza" 6600 Iasi Romania
Abstract: A number of rules for the calculus of subdifferentials of generalized convex functions are displayed. The subdifferentials we use are among the most significant for this class of functions, in particular for quasiconvex functions: we treat the Greenberg-Pierskalla's subdiffential and its relatives and the Plastria's lower subdifferential. We also deal with a recently introduced subdifferential constructed with the help of a generalized derivative. We emphasize the case of the sublevel-convolution, an operation analogous to the infimal convolution, which has proved to be of importance in the field of quasiconvex functions. We provide examples delineating the limits of the rules we provide.
Classification (MSC2000): 26B25, 90C26; 2651, 26A27
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