The Flag-Transitive C 3-Geometries of Finite Order
Satoshi Yoshiara
Division of Mathematical Sciences Osaka Kyoiku University Kashiwara Osaka 582 Japan
DOI: 10.1023/A:1022480312547
It is shown that a flag-transitive C 3-geometry of finite order ( x, y) with x
2 is either a finite building of type C 3 (and hence the classical polar space for a 6-dimensional symplectic space, a 6-dimensional orthogonal space of plus type, a 6- or 7-dimensional hermitian space, a 7-dimensional orthogonal space, or an 8-dimensional orthogonal space of minus type) or the sporadic A7-geometry with 7 points.

Pages: 251–284
Keywords: incidence geometry; C3-geometry; flag-transitivity; generalized quadrangle
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3. R.W. Carter, Simple Groups of Lie Type, John Wiley and Sons, London-New York-Sydney, 1989.
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19. H.N. Ward, "On Ree's series of simple groups," Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 121 (1966), 62-89.
20. S. Yoshiara and A. Pasini, "On flag-transitive anomalous C3-geometries," Contr. Algebra and Geom. 34 (1993), 277-286.