On Generators of the Module of Logarithmic 1-Forms with Poles Along an Arrangement
Sergey Yuzvinsky
University of Oregon Eugene OR 97403
DOI: 10.1023/A:1022480128534
For each element X of codimension two of the intersection lattice of a hyperplane arrangement we define a differential logarithmic 1-forms
X with poles along the arrangement. Then we describe the class of arrangements for which forms
X generate the whole module of the logarithmic 1-forms with poles along the arrangement. The description is done in terms of linear relations among the functionals defining the hyperplanes. We construct a minimal free resolution of the module generated by
X that in particular defines the projective dimension of this module. In order to study relations among
X we construct free resolutions of certain ideals of a polynomial ring generated by products of linear forms. We give examples and discuss possible generalizations of the results.

Pages: 253–269
Keywords: hyperplane arrangement; logarithmic form; module; free resolution; ideal
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2. P. Deligne, "Theorie de Hodge," Publ. Math. IHES 40 (1972), 5-57.
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