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  Editors-in-chief: C. A. Athanasiadis, T. Lam, A. Munemasa, H. Van Maldeghem
ISSN 0925-9899 (print) • ISSN 1572-9192 (electronic)

Tetravalent half-arc-transitive graphs of order 2 pq

Yan-Quan Feng , Jin Ho Kwak , Xiuyun Wang and Jin-Xin Zhou

DOI: 10.1007/s10801-010-0257-1


A graph is half-arc-transitive if its automorphism group acts transitively on its vertex set, edge set, but not arc set. Let p and q be primes. It is known that no tetravalent half-arc-transitive graphs of order 2 p 2 exist and a tetravalent half-arc-transitive graph of order 4 p must be non-Cayley; such a non-Cayley graph exists if and only if p - 1 is divisible by 8 and it is unique for a given order. Based on the constructions of tetravalent half-arc-transitive graphs given by Marušič (J. Comb. Theory B 73:41-76, 1998), in this paper the connected tetravalent half-arc-transitive graphs of order 2 pq are classified for distinct odd primes p and q.

Pages: 543–553

Keywords: keywords Cayley graph; vertex-transitive graph; half-arc-transitive graph

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