Twisted identities in Coxeter groups
Axel Hultman
KTH Department of Mathematics 100 44 Stockholm Sweden
DOI: 10.1007/s10801-007-0106-z
Given a Coxeter system ( W, S) equipped with an involutive automorphism θ , the set of twisted identities is
i( q)={ q( w -1) w | w Ĩ W}. ι(θ)=\{θ(w^{-1})w\mid w\in W\}.
Pages: 313–332 Keywords: keywords Coxeter groups; Bruhat order; twisted identities; twisted involutions Full Text: PDF References1. Björner, A.: Topological methods. In: Graham, R., Grötschel, M., Lovász, L. (eds.) Handbook of Combinatorics, pp. 1819-1872. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1995)
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