Species Over a Finite Field
Anthony Henderson
School of Mathematics and Statistics University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia
DOI: 10.1007/s10801-005-6905-1
We generalize Joyal s theory of species to the case of functors from the groupoid of finite sets to the category of varieties over F q. These have cycle index series defined by counting fixed points of twisted Frobenius maps. We give an application to configuration spaces.
Pages: 147–161
Keywords: keywords species; finite field; configuration space
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2. W. Fulton and R. Macpherson, “A compactification of configuration spaces,” Ann. of Math. 139 (1994), 183- 225.
3. E. Getzler, “Mixed Hodge structures of configuration spaces,” preprint, MPI-96-61, http://arxiv.org/abs/alggeom/9510018.
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