Homogeneity of a Distance-Regular Graph Which Supports a Spin Model
Brian Curtin1
and Kazumasa Nomura2
1Department of Mathematics University of South Florida 4202 E. Fowler Ave PHY 114 Tampa FL 33647 USA
2College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Tokyo Medical and Dental University Kohnodai, Ichikawa 272-0827 Japan
2College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Tokyo Medical and Dental University Kohnodai, Ichikawa 272-0827 Japan
DOI: 10.1023/B:JACO.0000030702.58352.f7
A spin model is a square matrix that encodes the basic data for a statistical mechanical construction of link invariants due to V.F.R. Jones. Every spin model W is contained in a canonical Bose-Mesner algebra N \mathcal{N} ( W). In this paper we study the distance-regular graphs M \mathcal{M} satisfies W M \mathcal{M} N \mathcal{N} ( W). Suppose W has at least three distinct entries. We show that
is 1-homogeneous and that the first and the last subconstituents of
are strongly regular and distance-regular, respectively.

Pages: 257–272
Keywords: distance-regular graph; 1-homogeneous; spin model
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2. E. Bannai and Et. Bannai, “Spin models on finite cyclic groups,” J. Algebraic Combin. 3 (1994), 243-259.
3. E. Bannai and Et. Bannai, “Generalized generalized spin models (four-weight spin models),” Pacific J. Math. 170 (1995), 1-16.
4. E. Bannai, Et. Bannai, and F. Jaeger, “On spin models, modular invariance, and duality,” J. Alg. Combin. 6 (1997), 203-228.
5. E. Bannai and T. Ito, Algebraic Combinatorics I, Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, 1984.
6. A.E. Brouwer, A.M. Cohen, and A. Neumaier, Distance-Regular Graphs, Springer, New York, 1989.
7. P.J. Cameron, J.M. Goethals, and J.J. Seidel, “Strongly regular graphs having strongly regular subconstituents,” J. Alg. 55 (1978), 257-280. CURTIN AND NOMURA
8. J.S. Caughman, “The last subconstituent of a bipartite P- and Q-polynomial association scheme,” European J. Combin. 24(5) (2003), 459-470.
9. B. Curtin, “2-homogeneous bipartite distance-regular graphs,” Discrete Math. 187 (1998), 39-70.
10. B. Curtin, “Distance-regular graphs which support a spin model are thin,” Discrete Math. 197/198 (1999), 205-216.
11. B. Curtin, “The Terwilliger algebra of a 2-homogeneous bipartite distance-regular graph,” J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 81 (2001), 125-141.
12. B. Curtin and K. Nomura, “Some formulas for spin models on distance-regular graphs,” J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 75 (1999), 206-236.
13. B. Curtin and K. Nomura, “Distance-regular graphs related to the quantum enveloping algebra of sl(2),” J. Algebraic Combin. 12 (2000), 25-36.
14. B. Curtin and K. Nomura, “Spin models and hyper-self-dual Bose-Mesner algebras,” J. Alg. Combin. 13 (2001), 173-186.
15. P. Delsarte, “An algebraic approach to the association schemes of coding theory,” Philips Research Reports Supplements 10 (1973).
16. Y. Egawa, “Characterization of H ( n, q) by the parameters,” J. Combin. Theroy Ser. A 31 (1981), 108-125.
17. P. de la Harpe, “Spin models for link polynomials, strongly regular graphs and Jaeger's Higman-Sims model,” Pacific J. Math. 162 (1994), 57-96.
18. F. Jaeger, “Towards a classification of spin models in terms of association schemes,” Advanced Studies in Pure Math. 24 (1996), 197-225.
19. F. Jaeger, “Strongly regular graphs and spin models for the Kauffman polynomial,” Geom. Dedicata 44 (1992), 23-52.
20. F. Jaeger, “On spin models, triply regular association schemes, and duality,” J. Alg. Combin. 4 (1995), 103-144.
21. F. Jaeger, M. Matsumoto, and K. Nomura, “Bose-Mesner algebras related to type II matrices and spin models,” J. Alg. Combin. 8 (1998), 39-72.
22. V.F.R. Jones, “On knot invariants related to some statistical mechanical models,” Pac. J. Math. 137 (1989), 311-224.
23. A. Jurisic, “AT4 family and 2-homogeneous graphs,” The 2000 COM 2 Mac Conference on Association Schemes, Codes and Designs (Pohang). Discrete Math. 264(1-3) (2003), 127-148.
24. A. Jurisic and J. Koolen, “Krein parameters and antipodal tight graphs with diameter 3 and 4,” Discrete Math. 244 (2002), 181-202.
25. A. Jurisic and J. Koolen, “1-homogeneous graphs with Cocktail party μ-graphs.” (English. English Summary) J. Algebraic Combin. 18(2) (2003), 79-98. 05C12 (05E30).
26. A. Jurisic and J. Koolen, “A local approach to 1-homogeneous graphs,” Designs, Codes and Cryptography 21 (2000), 127-147.
27. A. Jurisic, J. Koolen, and P. Terwilliger, “Tight distance-regular graphs with small diameter,” preprint.
28. A. Jurisic, J. Koolen, and P. Terwilliger, “Tight distance-regular graphs,” J. Algebraic Combin. 12 (2000), 163-197.
29. A. Kasikova, “Distance-regular graphs with strongly regular subconstituents,” J. Algebraic Combin. 6 (1997), 247-252.
30. K. Kawagoe, A. Munemasa, and Y. Watatani, “Generalized spin models,” J. Knot Th. Ramif. 3 (1995), 465-475.
31. A. Neumaier, “Duality in coherent configurations,” Combinatorica 9 (1989), 59-67.
32. K. Nomura, “Homogeneous graphs and regular near polygons,” J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 60 (1994) 63-71.
33. K. Nomura, “Spin models constructed from Hadamard matrices,” J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 68 (1994), 251-261.
34. K. Nomura, “Spin models on bipartite distance-regular graphs,” J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 64 (1995), 300-313.
35. K. Nomura, “Spin models on triangle-free connected graphs,” J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 67 (1996), 284-295.
36. K. Nomura, “Spin models and almost bipartite 2-homogeneous graphs,” Advanced Studies in Pure Math. 24 (1996), 285-308.
37. K. Nomura, “An algebra associated with a spin model,” J. Alg. Combin. 6 (1997), 53-58.
38. P. Terwilliger, “A new inequality for distance-regular graphs,” Discrete Math. 137 (1995), 319-332.
39. N. Yamazaki, “Bipartite distance-regular graphs with an eigenvalue of multiplicity k,” J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 66 (1995), 34-37.