On a New High Dimensional Weisfeiler-Lehman Algorithm
Sergei Evdokimov
, Marek Karpinski
and Ilia Ponomarenko
DOI: 10.1023/A:1018672019177
We investigate the following problem: how different can a cellular algebra be from its Schurian closure, i.e., the centralizer algebra of its automorphism group? For this purpose we introduce the notion of a Schurian polynomial approximation scheme measuring this difference. Some natural examples of such schemes arise from high dimensional generalizations of the Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm which constructs the cellular closure of a set of matrices. We prove that all of these schemes are dominated by a new Schurian polynomial approximation scheme defined by the m-closure operators. A sufficient condition for the m-closure of a cellular algebra to coincide with its Schurian closure is given.
Pages: 29–45
Keywords: graph isomorphism problem; cellular algebra; permutation group
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