Nicolae N. Pascu and Radu N. Pascu --
Convex function in a half-plane I
Aurora Crăciunaş --
Some considerations concerning the rotary motion of a rigid body around the mass center
Gheorghe Oros --
On the integral operator ans a subclass of starlike
Nicolae-Adrian Secelean --
Some convergence properties in the Hausdorff-Pompeiu metric
Graţiela Cicortaş --
Note on some properties of Lusternick-Schnirelmann
Radu N. Pascu --
On a class of convey functions in a half-plane
G. Oros --
On an integral operator and a starlike
functions of order 1/2
Emil C. Popa--
Note on a Delta operator
A. Bucur --
The existence of the solution for some
integral equations