General Mathematics, Vol. 5, No. 1 - 4, pp. 287-296, 1995

C. Oniciuc -- The Nonlinear Connections and Harmonicity

Abstract: The problems studied in this paper are concerned with the harmonicity of the canonical projection $\pi :TM\rightarrow M$, where $(M,g)$ is a Riemannian space and $TM$ is its tangent bundle, and conversely, the harmonicity of the vector fields $\xi \in \chi (M)$ thought of as maps from $M$ to $TM$. We consider, on $TM$, a Riemannian metric of Sasaki type defined by means of an arbitrary nonlinear connection on $TM$.

Classification (MSC91): 53C07, 53C20, 58E20.

Keywords: tangent bundle, harmonic maps, nonlinear connections, Sasaki metric.

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