"Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika"
("Fundamental and Applied Mathematics")

Volume 3 (1997), number 2


Z. G. Psiola, E. R. Rozendorn, V. V. Trofimov
Nonlinear economic dynamics 319-349

Research Papers

A. Anter
Application of the AÙ-integration for Fourier transforms 351-357
A. B. Vasilieva
Contrast structure of step type for initial value problem 359-372
M. M. Glukhov
On some algorithmic problems and free products in R-varieties of linear W-algebras 373-397
I. Z. Golubchik
Lie type groups over PI-rings 399-424
D. V. Zhdanovich, I. A. Yanson
The direct limits of Lie algebras of the type A 425-434
V. M. Zhuravlev
The remarks about verbal ideals of a free finite-generated Lie algebra 435-451
A. A. Zolotykh
Commutation factors and varieties of associative algebras 453-468
V. V. Kulyamin
On images of polynomials in finite matrix rings 469-485
T. P. Lukashenko
Systems of expansions similar to orthogonal systems 487-517
Ju. M. Polyakova
Factoring birational maps of rational surfaces over the field of real numbers 519-547
M. F. Sadykov
Differential calculi on standard quantizations of simple algebraic groups 549-577
V. G. Sushko
Asymptotic representations of the solutions of some singularly perturbed problems for mixed type equations 579-586
V. V. Filippov
On differential inclusions of second order 587-623

Short Communications

E. V. Loukoianova (Loukoyanova)
Recognition of identities in quotient algebras of universal enveloping algebras 625-630
G. E. Puninski
Finitely presented modules over uniserial rings 631-633

All articles are published in Russian.

Main page Contents of the journal News Search

Location: http://mech.math.msu.su/~fpm/eng/97/972/
Last modified: September 30, 2001