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\dateposted{August 31, 2004}
\PII{S 1079-6762(04)00134-9}

\copyrightinfo{2004}{American Mathematical Society}






\title{A trilinear restriction problem\linebreak[1] for the
paraboloid in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$}

\author{Jonathan Bennett}
\address{School of Mathematics, JCMB, Kings Buildings,
Mayfield Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ, Scotland}
\thanks{The author was supported by an EPSRC
Postdoctoral Fellowship.}

\subjclass[2000]{Primary 42B10}
\date{December 18, 2003}
\revdate{July 16, 2004}
\keywords{Multilinear estimates, Fourier extension operator}

\commby{Yitzhak Katznelson}

We establish a sharp trilinear inequality for the extension operator
associated to the paraboloid in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$. Our proof relies
on a recent generalisation of the classical Loomis--Whitney


Let $S$ be the paraboloid in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$
given by
and let $d\sigma$ be the measure supported on $S$ given by
\int \phi \:d\sigma=\int_{\mathbb{R}^{2}}\phi(\xi,|\xi|^{2})d\xi.
For $g\in L^{1}(d\sigma)$, 
we define the extension operator applied to $g$
to be
\widehat{gd\sigma}(x)=\int e^{-ix\cdot y}g(y)d\sigma(y).

The classical restriction conjecture (for the paraboloid in
this case)
proposes the exponents $p$ and $q$ for which this operator is bounded
from $L^{p}(d\sigma)$ to $L^{q}(\mathbb{R}^{3})$---see \cite{St}.

It has long been known  
that certain $L^{p}-L^{q}$ estimates of this
type have what are often referred to as
``bilinear improvements''. 
In particular, the range of $p$'s
and $q$'s for which the bilinear operator
(f,g)\mapsto \widehat{fd\sigma}\:\widehat{gd\sigma}
maps $L^{p}\times L^{p}$ to $L^{q}$, for $f$ and $g$ satisfying a certain
separation'' condition, is wider than that which is directly predicted
by H\"older's inequality and the restriction conjecture. For a
detailed description of these notions see \cite{TVV}.

The purpose of this note is to bring to light certain natural
trilinear estimates in this context.

Suppose $P_{1}, P_{2}, P_{3}\in S$ are such that the normals
to $S$ at these points span $\mathbb{R}^{3}$.
Then there exist neighbourhoods $U_{1}, U_{2}, U_{3}\subset S$
of $P_{1}, P_{2}, P_{3}$ respectively, and a constant
$C$ such that
\leq C
for all $f,g,h \in L^{4/3}(d\sigma)$ satisfying
\supp(f)\subset U_{1},\;\;\;\;\;\supp(g)\subset U_{2},\;\;\;\;\;
\mbox{ and }\;\;\;\supp(h)\subset U_{3}.
The exponent $4/3$ on the right hand side is sharp 
given the exponent $2$ on the left. Naturally, the estimate
fails to hold if the points $P_{1}, P_{2}, P_{3}$ are 
separated in a more naive way. In particular, if we merely
ask that the points $P_{1}, P_{2}, P_{3}$ are distinct, the best
$L^{2}$ estimate possible is with $4/3$ replaced by $18/13$. This
can be seen as a consequence of the bilinear analysis in \cite{TVV}.
Furthermore, if we place no restriction at all on the points $P_{1}, P_{2},
P_{3}$, the best $L^{2}$ estimate is with $18/13$ replaced by
$3/2$. This follows easily from the existing linear restriction theory
(see \cite{St}).
On a technical level, our approach is related to the 12/7 bilinear
restriction inequality of Moyua, Vargas and Vega \cite{MVV} (see also
Inherent in their estimate is a bound for a certain
linear Radon transform in the plane. In the trilinear setting
matters are different partly because the Radon-like transforms that
arise are bilinear.
Theorem \ref{thm1} was originally inspired by a multilinear inequality
for certain spherical averages of the extension
operator (this time associated to the sphere)---see \cite{BBC2}. 
It seems plausible that
multilinear restriction 
estimates of this nature 
might have a role to play in proving new linear restriction
theorems in dimensions 3 and above. One only needs to glance at
\cite{TVV} to imagine this.

The key ingredient in our proof of Theorem \ref{thm1} is the following
generalisation of the classical Loomis--Whitney inequality
(see \cite{bcw} for a proof of this).

If $\pi_{1},\pi_{2},\pi_{3}:\mathbb{R}^{3}\rightarrow
\mathbb{R}^{2}$ are submersions in a neighbourhood of $x_{0}\in\mathbb{R}^{3}$ 
such that the kernels of
$d\pi_{1}(x_{0})$, $d\pi_{2}(x_{0})$, 
and $d\pi_{3}(x_{0})$ span $\mathbb{R}^{3}$,
then for all cut-off functions $a$ supported in a sufficiently small
neighbourhood of $x_{0}$,
there is a constant $C$ such that
\leq C\|f\|_{2}\|g\|_{2}\|h\|_{2}
for all $f,g,h\in L^{2}(\mathbb{R}^{2})$.
\section{The proof of Theorem \ref{thm1}}

Let $u,v,w\in\mathbb{R}^{2}$ be such that
$P_{1}=(u,|u|^{2})$, $P_{2}=(v,|v|^{2})$ and 
$P_{3}=(w,|w|^{2})$. It is easily seen that the hypothesis on the
$P_{1}$, $P_{2}$ and $P_{3}$ is equivalent to the non-colinearity of
the points $u$, $v$ and $w$ in $\mathbb{R}^{2}$.
By Plancherel's theorem, symmetry and multilinear interpolation 
it suffices to prove that there
exist neighbourhoods $\Omega_{1}, \Omega_{2},
of $u$, $v$, $w$, and a constant $C$ such that
&\qquad\leq C\left\{\begin{array}{ll}
for all 
\supp(f_{i})\subset \Omega_{1},\;\;\;\;\;\supp(g_{i})\subset 
\mbox{ and }\;\;\;\supp(h_{i})\subset \Omega_{3}.
(Note that
$f_{1}$, $g_{1}$, $h_{1}$,
$f_{2}$, $g_{2}$ and $h_{2}$ are now functions on $\mathbb{R}^{2}$
rather than $S$.)

The proofs of the two inequalities in \eqref{both} follow the
same general scheme. We begin with the second as it is slightly more
straightforward algebraically. 
It should be remarked that in order to prove Theorem \ref{thm1} for
characteristic functions it is enough to obtain just one of these

Since $h_{1}$, $f_{2}$ and $g_{2}$
are controlled in $L^{1}$, we may suppose that $h_{1}=\delta_{z}$,
$f_{2}=\delta_{x'}$ and $g_{2}=\delta_{y'}$ for some $(z,x',y')$
in a sufficiently small neighbourhood of $(w,u,v)$.
Writing $X=x-x'$ and $Y=y-y'$, the left hand side of the
above becomes
\int &f_{1}(X+x')g_{1}(Y+y')h_{2}(X+Y+z)\\
\int f_{1}(X+x')g_{1}(Y+y')h_{2}(X+Y+z)\\
\;\;\;\;\;\times\delta\bigl((x'-z)\cdot X+(y'-z)\cdot Y
-X\cdot Y\bigr)\;dX\:dY.
By the translation invariance of $L^{p}$-norms, 
it suffices to prove that
\int f(X)g(Y)h(X+Y)\delta\bigl((x'-z)\cdot X+(y'-z)\cdot Y
-X\cdot Y\bigr)\;dX\:dY
is bounded by $C\|f\|_{2}\|g\|_{2}\|h\|_{2}$, for all
$f$, $g$, and $h$ supported in sufficiently small
neighbourhoods of the origin.

By translation (or Galilean) invariance, scaling and a rotation, 
we may suppose that $z=0$,
$x'=e_{1}$ and $y'=a$, where 
$a_{2}>c$ for some constant $c>0$ depending on $u$, $v$, and $w$.
e_{1}\cdot X+a\cdot Y
-X\cdot Y=(1-Y_{1})\left(X_{1}-
\frac{X_{2}Y_{2}-a\cdot Y}{1-Y_{1}}\right),
we are reduced to proving that for some neighbourhood $U$ of the
origin in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$,
\int_{U} f(\pi_{1}(X_{2},Y))g(\pi_{2}(X_{2},Y))
\leq C\|f\|_{2}\|g\|_{2}\|h\|_{2},
where\footnote{In deriving this representation of the trilinear form 
we have used the fact that for $Y$ in a sufficiently
small neighbourhood of the origin, $1-Y_{1}$ is bounded
away from $0$.}
and $\pi_{3}=\pi_{1}+\pi_{2}$.
(As may be expected, there are other parametrisations
that may be chosen here.)

In order to prove \eqref{enough} we appeal to Lemma \ref{LW}. After a 
straightforward computation we see that $\pi_{1}$, $\pi_{2}$, and
$\pi_{3}$ are submersions in a neighbourhood of $0$, and furthermore,
\ker d\pi_{1}(0)=\left<(0,-a_{2},a_{1})\right>,
\ker d\pi_{2}(0)=\left<(1,0,0)\right>,
Since the determinant of the above three generators is equal to $a_{2}>c>0$,
\eqref{enough} follows.

We now turn to the proof of the first inequality in \eqref{both}.
Since $f_{2}$, $g_{2}$, and $h_{2}$
are controlled in $L^{1}$, we may suppose that
$f_{2}=\delta_{x'}$, $g_{2}=\delta_{y'}$ and $h_{2}=\delta_{z'}$
for some $(x',y',z')$
in a sufficiently small neighbourhood of $(u,v,w)$.
Again, by Galilean invariance, 
scaling, and a rotation, we may suppose that
$z'=0$, $x'=e_{1}$ and $y'=a$, where $a_{2}>c$ for some constant $c>0$ 
depending on $u$, $v$, and $w$. 
Writing $X=x-x'$ and $Y=y-y'$, the left hand side of \eqref{both} becomes
\int &f_{1}(X+x')g_{1}(Y+y')h_{1}(-X-Y+z')\\
\int f_{1}(X+x')g_{1}(Y+y')h_{1}(-X-Y)\\
-|e_{1}+Y|^{2}/4+|Y|^{2}+a\cdot Y\bigr)\;dX\:dY.
It thus suffices to prove that
\int &f(X)g(Y)h(X+Y)\\
-|e_{1}+Y|^{2}/4+|Y|^{2}+a\cdot Y\bigr)\;dX\:dY
is bounded by 
$C\|f\|_{2}\|g\|_{2}\|h\|_{2}$, for all
$f$, $g$, and $h$ supported in sufficiently small
neighbourhoods of the origin.

Now for fixed $Y$, $X$ lives on the circle given parametrically
X=-\frac{1}{2}(e_{1}+Y)+r(Y)(\cos t, \sin t),
$r(Y)^{2}=\tfrac{1}{4}|e_{1}+Y|^{2}-|Y|^{2}-a\cdot Y$ 
and $t\in\mathbb{R}$.
Observe that since we are only concerned with $X$ and $Y$ in a small
of the origin, we need only consider $t$ 
in a small neighbourhood of $0$.
Hence we are reduced to proving that for some
neighbourhood $U$ of the origin in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$,
\int_{U} f(\pi_{1}(Y,t))g(\pi_{2}(Y,t))
\leq C\|f\|_{2}\|g\|_{2}\|h\|_{2},
where\footnote{In deriving this representation 
we have used the fact that for $Y$ in a
sufficiently small neigbourhood of the origin, $r(Y)$ is bounded away
from $0$.}
\pi_{2}(Y,t)=-(e_{1}+Y)/2+r(Y)(\cos t,\sin t),
and $\pi_{3}=\pi_{1}+\pi_{2}$.
After a 
straightforward computation we see that $\pi_{1}$, $\pi_{2}$, and
$\pi_{3}$ are submersions in a neighbourhood
of $0$, and furthermore,
\ker d\pi_{1}(0)=\left<(0,0,1)\right>,
\ker d\pi_{2}(0)=\left<\left(-a_{2},a_{1},a_{1}\right)\right>,
As before, the determinant of the above three generators is equal to 
and so \eqref{enough'} follows.

There is a minor technical issue in our argument that we have
glossed over here. It is of course important that the neighbourhoods
of the origin and the constant $C$ appearing in \eqref{last} 
may be chosen independently of $(z,x',y')$ belonging to a
sufficiently small neighbourhood of $(w,u,v)$. This detail may be easily
dealt with by appealing to a more quantative version of Lemma \ref{LW}
(such as that in \cite{bcw}).
On doing this, one may also quantify the constant $C$
and the neighbourhoods $U_{1}, U_{2}$, and $U_{3}$ appearing in the
statement of Theorem \ref{thm1}. 
These issues will be elucidated in a subsequent 

\section{The wider context}

The standard examples (see \cite{St}) in the context of the restriction
conjecture suggest the following $n$-linear conjecture in $n$ dimensions. 
Here $S$ will denote the paraboloid
\{(\xi, |\xi|^{2}):\xi\in\mathbb{R}^{n-1}\}
$$ in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$, and $d\sigma$ the measure supported on $S$
given by
\int \phi \:d\sigma=\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n-1}}\phi(\xi,|\xi|^{2})d\xi.

Suppose $P_{1},\dots, P_{n}\in S$ are such that the normals
to $S$ at these points span $\mathbb{R}^{n}$.
Then there exist neighbourhoods $U_{1},\dots, U_{n}\subset S$
of $P_{1},\dots, P_{n}$ respectively, and a constant
$C$ such that
\leq C
for all $g_{j} \in L^{p}(d\sigma)$ satisfying
\supp(g_{j})\subset U_{j},\;\;\;1\leq j\leq n,
if and only if $q\geq \frac{2n}{n-1}$ and $p'\leq \frac{n-1}{n}q$.

We remark that by 
interpolation and H\"older's inequality, this conjecture is equivalent 
to the inequality
\leq C

The known linear and bilinear restriction theory 
clearly implies progress on the above conjecture, just by H\"older's
inequality. As may be expected,
the non-trivial exponents obtained in this way 
lie away from the sharp line $p'=\frac{n-1}{n}q$. The purpose of Theorem 1 is to
a non-trivial point on this line in three dimensions. 
The above conjecture may in fact be made for quite general smooth
codimension 1
submanifolds of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$. The proof of
Theorem \ref{thm1} 
may also be
to this general context. The details of this will be made explicit 
in a subsequent paper.
By a standard Rademacher function argument, the 
above conjecture \eqref{equivmlrc} implies a certain multilinear Kakeya-type
estimate, which we now describe. 
Merely for expositional convenience we replace the paraboloid
with the unit sphere here.
that the vectors $\omega_{1},\dots, \omega_{n}
\in\mathbb{S}^{n-1}$ span $\mathbb{R}^{n}$, then
there exist neighbourhoods $U_{1},\dots, U_{n}\subset
\mathbb{S}^{n-1}$ of
$\omega_{1},\dots, \omega_{n}$ respectively, and a constant $C$ 
such that
\leq C\sum_{T_{1}\in\mathbb{T}_{1}}|T_{1}|\cdot\cdot\cdot
for all families $\mathbb{T}_{1}$,\dots,$\mathbb{T}_{n}$ of
$\delta\times\cdot\cdot\cdot\times\delta\times 1$-tubes 
in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ such that their directions belong to
$U_{1},\dots,U_{n}$ respectively. Here $C$ should be independent of the
small parameter $0<\delta\leq 1$.
We refer the reader to \cite{TVV} for a discussion of the linear and 
bilinear Kakeya phenomena.
It might be interesting to establish
whether Theorem \ref{thm1} may be generalised to 
$n\geq 4$. It is not immediately clear how our approach may be
extended since the multilinear Radon transforms that arise
cannot be dealt with directly by the natural higher-dimensional version
of Lemma \ref{LW}. 

We would like to thank Tony Carbery, Susana Guti\'errez and Jim Wright
for a number of very useful discussions on the subject of this note.

\bibitem{BBC2} J. A. Barcel\'o, J. M. Bennett, and A. Carbery,
A multilinear extension inequality in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$,
\textit{Bull. London Math. Soc.} {\bf 36 (3)}
407--412. \MR{2038728}

\bibitem{bcw} J. M. Bennett, A. Carbery, and J. Wright, A
generalisation of the Loomis--Whitney inequality in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$,
in preparation.

\bibitem{MVV} A. Moyua, A. Vargas, L. Vega, Restriction
theorems and maximal operators related to oscillatory integrals in
$\mathbb{R}^{3}$, \textit{Duke Math. J.} {\bf 96 (3)} (1999), 547--574.
\MR{1671214 (2000b:42017)}

\bibitem{St} E. M. Stein, Harmonic Analysis, Princeton University Press,
Princeton, NJ, 1993.
\MR{1232192 (95c:42002)}

\bibitem{TVV} T. Tao, A. Vargas, L. Vega, 
A bilinear approach to the restriction and Kakeya
\textit{J. Amer. Math. Soc.} {\bf 11} (1998), 967--1000.
\MR{1625056 (99f:42026)}