Jiaxuan Yang, Yongqing Li, Zhi-Qiang Wang
We study the classical nonlinear Schodinger equation with a radially symmetric potential
and a constraint, for the mass subcritical case.
We obtain conditions that assure the existence of non-radial solutions.
Also we show symmetry breaking of the ground states, and the existence of multiple
non-radial solutions under additional conditions.
Published October 6, 2021.
Math Subject Classifications: 35J20, 35J60.
Key Words: Ground states; symmetry breaking; k-bump solutions; concentration.
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Jiaxuan Yang College of Mathematics and Statistics Fujian Normal University Fuzhou 350117, China email: qsx20190557@student.fjnu.edu.cn | |
Yongqing Li College of Mathematics and Statistics Fujian Normal University Fuzhou 350117, China email: yqli@fjnu.edu.cn | |
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Zhi-Qiang Wang Department of Mathematics and Statistics Utah State University Logan, UT 84322, USA email: zhi-qiang.wang@usu.edu |
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