Volume 8:1 (2005), all papers

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1-16 New bounds and algorithms for on-line scheduling: two identical processors, known sum and upper bound on the tasks
Angelelli, Enrico and Speranza, Maria Grazia, and Tuza, Tsolt
17-30On Sampling Colorings of Bipartite Graphs
R. Balasubramanian and C.R. Subramanian
57-64Generalized connected domination in graphs
M. Kouider and P.D. Vestergaard
65-82Recognizing HH-free, HHD-free, and Welsh-Powell Opposition Graphs
Stavros D. Nikolopoulos and Leonidas Palios
97-120The Online Specialization Problem
Ed Hong
121-128On randomly colouring locally sparse graphs
Alan Frieze and Juan Vera