Slices and Transfers
We study Voevodsky's slice tower for $S^1$-spectra, and raise a number of questions regarding its properties. We show that the 0th slice does not in general admit transfers, although it does for a $\P^1$-loop-spectrum. We define a new tower for each of the higher slices, and show that the layers in these towers have the structure of Eilenberg-Maclane spectra on effective motives.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 14F42, 19E15; Secondary 19E08, 14C25, 55P42
Keywords and Phrases: Algebraic cycles, Morel-Voevodsky stable homotopy category, slice filtration
Full text: dvi.gz 100 k, dvi 257 k, ps.gz 1282 k, pdf 457 k.