
Subscription for year 2004 (one volume, two issues):
This prices include delivery by surface mail.

Back issues
The following back issues are available: 11(2) (2003), 11(1) (2003), 10(2) (2002), 10(1) (2002), 9(2) (2001), 9(1) (2001), 8(2) (2000), 8(1) (2000), 7(2) (1999), 7(1)(1999), 6(2) (1998), 6(1) (1998), 4(1/2) (1996), 3(1) (1995).
The cost of each single issue, including surface mail delivery, is as follows:

How to order
Send your request along with a check payable to "Facultad Experimental de Ciencias" to the following address:

Revista Divulgaciones Matemáticas
Departamento de Matemática
Facultad Experimental de Ciencias
La Universidad del Zulia, Apartado 526
Maracaibo, Estado Zulia

For additional information write to the above address or e-mail us.

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