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![]() Contributions to Algebra and Geometry Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 175-190 (2007) |
Weyl quantization for principal seriesBenjamin CahenUniversité de Metz, UFR-MIM, Département de mathématiquesLMMAS, ISGMP-Bât. A, Ile du Saulcy 57045, Metz cedex 01, France e-mail: cahen@univ-metz.fr. Abstract: Let $G$ be a connected semisimple non-compact Lie group and $\pi$ a principal series representation of $G$. Let $\cal O$ be the coadjoint orbit of $G$ associated by the Kirillov-Kostant method of orbits to the representation $\pi$. By dequantizing $\pi$ we construct an explicit symplectomorphism between a dense open set of $\cal O$ and a symplectic product ${\mathbb R}^{2n}\times{\cal O}'$ where ${\cal O}' $ is a coadjoint orbit of a compact subgroup of $G$. This allows us to obtain a Weyl correspondence on $\cal O$ which is adapted to the representation $\pi$ in the sense of [6]. Keywords: Principal series representations, coadjoint orbits, Weyl quantization, Berezin quantization, dequantization. Classification (MSC2000): 81S10, 22E46 Full text of the article:
Electronic version published on: 14 May 2007. This page was last modified: 27 Jan 2010.
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