p. 225 - 230 Modulus of Lattice-valued Measures S. S. Khurana Received: August 14, 2009; Accepted: February 3, 2010 Abstract. Let X be a completely regular Hausdorff space, E a Banach lattice, and m an E-valued countably additive, regular Borel measure on X. Some results about the countable additivity and regularity of the modulus |m | are proved. Also in special cases, it is proved that L1(m)= L1(|m|). Keywords: moduls of a measure; t-smooth and tight vector measures. AMS Subject classification: Primary: 28B15, 28C05, 28C15, 46G10 Secondary: 46B42 PDF Compressed Postscript Version to read ISSN 0862-9544 (Printed edition) Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Comenius University 842 48 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Telephone: + 421-2-60295111 Fax: + 421-2-65425882 e-Mail: amuc@fmph.uniba.sk Internet: www.iam.fmph.uniba.sk/amuc © 2010, ACTA MATHEMATICA UNIVERSITATIS COMENIANAE |