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Variational problems in infinite-dimensional spaces

58E05 Abstract critical point theory (Morse theory, Ljusternik-Schnirelman (Lyusternik-Shnirelman) theory, etc.)
58E07 Abstract bifurcation theory
58E09 Group-invariant bifurcation theory
58E10 Applications to the theory of geodesics (problems in one independent variable)
58E11 Critical metrics
58E12 Applications to minimal surfaces (problems in two independent variables) [See also 49Q05]
58E15 Application to extremal problems in several variables; Yang-Mills functionals [See also 81T13], etc.
58E17 Pareto optimality, etc., applications to economics [See also 90C29]
58E20 Harmonic maps [See also 53C43], etc.
58E25 Applications to control theory [See also 49-XX, 93-XX]
58E30 Variational principles
58E35 Variational inequalities (global problems)
58E40 Group actions
58E50 Applications
58E99 None of the above, but in this section

Version of December 15, 1998